THePETEBOX is over in america touring from the east coast through to west coast for the whole of September. More info and follow his travels and show over here
Pete said about his tour 'I fly out for my US tour tomorrow. Big boy shit. On my quest for perfection it's easy for me to overlook what I've already achieved. And shit, I've achieved an incredible amount. So far. My music has reached tens of millions of people around the globe. I have affected hundreds of thousands through non stop global touring for 10 years and counting. I've been part of pioneering beatbox created music through a marriage with technology and on record. I've performed with and interacted with so many incredible humans it's impossible to think about in one go and I receive messages every single day telling me I have inspired people, musically or personally. Fuck that means a lot. And shit. I genuinely feel like I'm just getting started. Thank you all, those who see this, for being a part of this journey. It's the feedback from you, whether instantly at shows or through messages, buying my music or watching my videos that pushes me, inspires me and keeps me presenting my music in the way I do. I salute you all //